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Two hundred and three venues in all corners of the world are gearing up for a range of events as today marks the first day of the first ever Worldwide Jellyweek. As a part of the community nature of the event, both Deskmag and Worldwide Jellyweek organisers Anni Woolf and Willi Schroll are calling out to all those involved to share their stories, serving as inspiration and a chance for collaboration.
By Anna Cashman - Monday, 16 January 2012

Over the course of the week, Deskmag is inviting Jellyweek participants to submit articles covering events in their venue, as well as articles discussing the potential and future of the movement, for publication on the Worldwide Jellyweek blog. Deskmag staffers will select and edit those which are informative and most interesting for the Jellyweek and coworking community, and share them with everyone.

Anyone can be involved – from ambassadors, to venue operators and participants alike – and can cover a range of topics relating to Jellyweek. You might like to share your planned events with the world, talk about the ways in which you have maximised collaboration and involved a community, explore the potential for Jellyweek to make a space known, or discuss how the internationality of the event presents an opportunity for new networks and coworking. In keeping with the nature of the week itself, anything is possible.

Send submissions (no longer than 1000 words, please) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please note that due to the volume of articles submitted, not all might be eligible for publication, in this case we try our best to publish summaries. If your events are too engaging to pull yourself away to write an article, keep in mind the many other ways to voice your ideas, including on the Facebook page and using the #Jellyweek hashtag on Twitter.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your Deskmag team

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