The Major Coworking Events in Asia & Australia:
▶︎ GCUC Australia, Sydney
June 4-5, 2015, organized by Hub Australia (Third Spaces Group)
What you can expect? “A two-day program located at various venues in and around Sydney, which will also be part of Vivid Sydney 2015. This will be a ‘best of’ both local and international coworking knowledge share. There will be international keynotes, panels with Q&A, groups of dinners, an unconference where you pick what you want to learn, a tour of Sydney's coworking spaces, and a rocking party. And there will be the launch of the Australian Coworking Industry Association.”
More infos: Location: Customs House (Day1) & Fishburners (Day 2) ## Tickets are currently available for AUS$249 (ends April 30), then prices go up again to AUS$299 ## Use the code deskmag to get a discount of AUS$50 ## Website, Facebook, Twitter. More Information for sponsors.
▶︎ Coworking Unconference Asia, Ubud (Bali), Indonesia
January 30-31, 2015, organized by Steve Munroe, Hubud
What can you expect? “Enhanced collaboration between regional spaces, honest discussions about coworking and its role in the future of work, and good bonding opportunities!”
Why shouldn’t you miss it? “Coworking is growing faster in Asia than any region on Earth, and it is a dynamic region in the tech and innovation space. If people don't come; they will miss out on a) their first conference in a bamboo and recycled wood eco facility, b) insights into the digital nomad culture that is growing exponentially, and c) the most luxurious closing party (possibly) ever held! (Bring your bathing suits, room for all 150). Seriously, they will miss the main event to connect with main players in one of the most dynamic regions in the world.”
What has encouraged you to organize such an event? “Hubud holds about 30 events per month, so we love organizing events! They are a great ways to bring people together and grow together. CU Asia came out of a desire to share and exchange with others in the coworking field. We are all trying to figure it out, so let's do it together!”
Best advice for potential attendees or supporters: “Get in touch via our website and we will help you out!”
More infos: Expected number of attendees:150 ## Tickets: US$100 ## Location: Hubud (main venue), Chapung Sebali (closing venue with a new pool area) ## Language: English (and Indonesian on January 29, 2015 for the national coworking community) ## Website, Facebook, Twitter
▶▶ Next page: Coworking Events in the US & Canada
Overview: ▶ Europe & Africa ▶ Asia & Australia ▶ Other coworking related events